I was born 10 February 1855 at Waterloo Street, Tipton, Staffordshire, England (map), a daughter of Elizabeth Cope (1). My father (Joseph Bowen?) was in the army, so I never did know him (3). My mother always worked to keep us together at the home of some wealthy people close to where we lived. This enabled her to come home at noon to nurse me (4). So I was left home alone at a very early age. My mother, Elizabeth is listed as a servant at Tedsame Street on my christening record (1).
Ishmael and Mary Phillips lived in rooms adjoining ours. Mrs. Phillips eventually started to take care of me, they had been converted to the L.D.S. Church and in 1863 decided to emigrate to America. My mother asked them to take me with them to America. Mother gave Brother Phillips the money for my passage. As soon as she had saved up enough money to emigrate she would come. My mother's health failed and she was never able to come. Sister Phillips took me to see my Mother. We went to a high wall and rang a bell at a gate or door in the wall. Mother came to the opening to see us. Sister Phillips gave me a large coin to give to my Mother so I would remember her. This was the last time I ever saw my Mother (4).
I was eight years old when on the 4th of June 1863 I boarded the Ship Amazon with Brother and Sister Phillips, their family and two other girls. On the passenger list I was listed as 7 yr. old (5). I still have the memories of the long boat ride and so many people on it. I even remember the sickness and death of one child. There were a lot of headwinds and rough seas. The voyage usually took 28 days but after 44 long days we finally arrived at the New York Harbor 18 July 1863 (9). Two days later we were processed at Castle Garden. I never saw my brother after we left the boat as he was with another family (2), (6). We then prepared for our long journey to join the saints.
We reached Florence, Nebraska, a few days later and started at once our preparations for crossing the plains (map of the Pioneer Trail). On the 9th of August 1863 our family left with 115 other saints from Florence, Nebraska, by ox team under Capt. John W. Woolley. I walked all the way from New York across the plains. Even at eight years old I had my chores to do. I looked after the smaller children. This trip was a very tedious and dangerous one. Capt. John Woolley's train did not reach Salt Lake until 4 October 1863 (8). Many times during the journey we were attacked by Indians. These redmen seemed to take a liking to me and wanted to steal me. I guess it was because of my pretty blonde hair. So great precautions had to be taken to keep me safe. At one time when the hunt became intense they had to hide me in a nail keg where I stayed for three days. The wagon in which I was riding tipped over and my head was badly cut while in the keg. One of the wagons in our train rolled over the bank of a river we were crossing.
We arrived in Salt Lake City on the 4th of October 1863. On arriving in Salt Lake Brother Phillips and his family took up their residence in South Cottonwood. After a short time we moved just a little further south to Union (map; see also Union Ward). At the beginning of 1865 Bishop Richards (cemetery marker) left on a mission. The Union Fort Ward was combined with So. Cottonwood Ward. It remained this way for the next 13 years. During this time a temporary organization was kept in Union with a presiding Elder in charge under the direction of the So. Cottonwood Bishopric. After a while Daddy Phillips was made the presiding Elder over Union. We had to walk down to 5600 So. and Vine Street for most of our meetings. Occasionally some meetings were held in Union. Daddy Phillips was made bishop of Union Ward on 1 July 1877 (8). He retained this position until 1900 when the stake was divided and he was ordained Patriarch under the hands of President Lyman. He was one of the stalwart old timers. He was made of the stuff it takes to make pioneers successful. Brother and Sister Phillips raised three foster children and four grandchildren. I was one of the foster children.
I must tell you about a very spiritual experience I had. On the 12 of Sept, 1868, I was baptized by Daddy Phillips. How thrilled I was. I now belonged to the same church as Mother and Daddy Phillips (3)
It was here in Union where I spent my childhood. Often like many of the women and children of those days, I had to help fight grasshoppers and crickets to save our crops. As children we also gleaned wheat after the shocking. We went to help families with housework for which we were paid 15 cents per day. If we helped with the washing and the housework we received 50 cents.
So I lived and grew up with other foster children in the Ishmael Phillips home. I was never adopted and I never went to school even for a day. I can't write my name. However I was taught to be an especially good house-keeper, an excellent cook, a very fine seamstress, and I even tailored clothes for men.
When in my teens, I met a very handsome
young man by the name of
Thomas Smith, in Union Fort. Daddy Phillips
didn't sorta approve of him. Tom always said I was a pretty young
lady. He was my choice and Mother Phillips said, "Now Emily you
could do much worse, he has a fine team of horses and he is a very
good worker, so you make up your mind."
So real early on 24 February 1873 as planned, around 4:00 a.m., I had my little bag packed and ready. As I watched for Tom, Mother Phillips said to me. "Well what have you decided, Emily, as you know your father is off on business. So it is now or never for you. So, if you have made up your mind to go, you sure have my blessing." About that time the wagon rolled up in time. Everything went well and Tom was anxious to get some timber out to build a home before fall. It was July by now so off to the canyons to get logs for the home. | ![]() Thomas Smith at age 21, two years after marrying Emily Cope |
Three men and teams went to cut and prepare logs to haul back to Burntfork (map), George Stoll, Andy Anderson, and Tom Smith. First trip or so was successful and summer had been a busy one. A fellow came along looking for work, so Tom gave him a job helping cut timber. Tom was a large powerful man, his ax was his pride and joy and no one used it but him, as it meant his living. The stranger, John King, asked to use Tom's ax, he said it was better than the one they let him use. But Tom said, "No, I'll use my own ax." So this left a little feelings. The next trip up to get the loads of logs, the four men, Tom Smith, George Stoll, and Andy Anderson, and the drifter went up to the log camp for more logs. On Tuesday morning just at sunrise, Andy and George were taking care of the horses. Tom began to cook their breakfast. He climbed up to cut some venison off, which was hanging in the tree. Tom was shot through the ribs by John King who was hiding. Several shots were fired, two of which took effect, one entering just below the right shoulder blade and lodging somewhere in his body. The other entered the body about three inches from the spinal column, a little above the hip and coming out the left side, near the lower part of the abdomen.
Dropping to the ground he heard another shot and Andy Anderson was shot through the upper part of his leg, but George Stoll hid and was not wounded. As Anderson seen what was happening, he yelled, "Run George, run, that so-and-so has shot Tom and me."
George did get on one of the horses, bare backed, got away and went for help to Burntfork. Anderson pulled a silk handkerchief through the bullet hole to stop the bleeding and hid out in the brush.
Tom crawled off into the underbrush and hid because he was afraid King would come back and finish them off. Tom crawled about a mile and a half, out through the underbrush, to keep out of sight. He went through Burntfork Creek and then began to feel the loss of blood, so he came back out near the road and leaned up against a tree to wait for help to come back. He didn't know how soon help would come but knew they would find him there.
George came for me and we went back as quickly as possible in the buggy, as it was about three miles to Burntfork. We found Tom leaning up by the tree, alive. They soon got him into the buggy and started home. The road was rough and the pain was so great, and started home. The road was rough and the pain was so great, so before they reached home he passed away. He told the story of what happened. It was 28 July 1885.
The outlaw, John King, took one of the horses, a gun, some ammunition and some food and left that part of Wyoming. As officers followed his trail, he hid out for a spell in Little Hole. Wyoming and then made his way over into Vernal. The officers ate a meal and went on, and that same day King came in and ate there, too. He was behind the officers instead of ahead of them, as they thought. It has been said the Indians caught him and held him for a spell but before the officers could get to him, he got away again. I understand he was shot and killed near Jackson Hole, Wyoming (10)
I was left heartbroken, with five small children to take care of and away up in Burntfork, Wyoming. I had to begin to shape a new life for me and my small family. Mary Ann and George shipped almost all our belongings home with us on the same train as Tom's body. As soon as Louis (Andy) Anderson recovered he brought the wagon with the rest of our belongings to us, We returned to Union Fort, Utah, to our little home that we had left such a short time ago. So on 30 July 1885 Tom's funeral was held in the Union Ward (Ed. Note: see also The Memoirs of President Joseph Smith, III) and he was buried beside his baby son (Ishmael Smith) in the South Cottonwood Cemetery (later changed to Murray City Cemetery). I was so thankful we hadn't sold our little home before we left. So with a very sad heart and five little children to feed, I began again my baking and washing for people I knew.
In about two months I met a young, handsome bachelor who was in Union visiting his sister Lillie Egbert who lived across the road from me. She was a good friend and neighbor. She had asked him to carry some food over to my house. His name was Ransom Cutler (called Joe). His parents lived in Lake Shore west of Spanish Fork on the shore of Utah Lake. Thereafter he frequently brought food, wood and other small comforts to our little family. One evening I was standing on Lillie's step talking to her, Ransom was in the house and came to the door. Lillie said "You are right together, go ask her Joe." Ransom caught his toe on the threshold and fell out the door, knocking me to the ground. He picked me up and dusted me off and we both laughed. This was the beginning of our courtship. He called me his small, blonde, blue-eyed widow. He walked home with me that evening. We were married on 3 December 1885 by Isaac Harrison, Justice of the Peace. Ransom was 20 years old and I was 30 years old. We still lived in my little home in Union (12)
Our home was a happy home. My children loved their new father. They called him Pa Joe. Ransom worked after we were married hauling ore from Bingham, Big and Little Cottonwood canyons. This hauling was done in the winter before thawing set in as there was too much danger from snow slides after the weather warmed up. Bub Freeman and Ransom used to take all the dry stock into Mill Creek and Parleys Canyon for the summer and herd them for a small fee for each animal (12)
We were blessed with seven children, Joseph Ransom (14 June 1886), Henry (2 August 1888), Minnie (18 September 1890), Margaretta (Margaret), 18 November 1892, Alma Laurence (7 April 1895), Ida Louse (6 October 1897), Lillie Rose (6 February 1900).
Tragedy struck our home in the evening of the 23rd of October 1892. William Smith now 11 years 6 months old, met with an accident as he and a group of youngsters were playing run sheep run. He was hit by a horse and cart. The shafts caught him in the chest and he was killed on the spot.
On 24 January 1894 Rachel Smith married Henry Hansen. On 21 June 1895 Nellie (Mary Ellen) married Ruben Garrett. On 28 May 1896 Emily (Em) married David Lorenzo Hewlett.
In 1900 scarlet fever came into our home. We had a serious time. I was not well. On the 6th of February I gave birth to our daughter Lillie. I was very sick and the new baby seemed to catch the disease soon after birth. Little Alma also came down with the disease. On account of the quarantine no one was allowed to come to our place to help us out. Alma died 10 February 1900 at the age of 4 years 10 months old. The funeral services were held on the front porch in the open air. Then the three girls, Ida, Minnie, and Margaret came down with scarlet fever. I was still bedfast with an infection after birth. The sickness seemed never ending and we were afraid the baby would not live. I, with the help of Joe, took care of the baby. Joe and Tom cooked for the family, waited on the sick ones and cared for the younger boys. The doctor said because the three boys slept on the back porch covered by a roof and the sides built out of new lumber and sleeping in the fresh air had warded off the boys getting the disease.
After the quarantine was taken down two of my married daughters came and took me and the baby along with the other children except Tom, to their home. Then the cleaning began. All of the factory ceilings, and any old clothing had to be burned. Even a shelf of cured pork had to go into the fire. Everything had to be taken out of the house while the walls were cleaned and white washed with lime. New unbleached muslin was put up after the fumigating for the ceilings of the rooms.
In the fall of 1900 Joe got interested in a new land project in Box Elder County, Utah. He and Tom went up there to look it over. They liked what they saw. In February 1901 I sold my home and we moved up to Fruitland (14). Fruitland was located about three miles west of Corrine and four miles south of Bear River City. There were large orchards of apples here. We were later in Corinne. The home was large with plenty of rooms, three bedrooms upstairs, kitchen, pantry, 1 large bedroom and a living room on the ground floor with 40 acres of land which had to be cleared (11)
We made the journey from Union to Fruitland with three wagons, one of them covered with canvas in which the family rode. I don't recall how long it took to make the journey but Joe (Joseph Ransom), Tom and Aaron (Ransom's brother) had to drive the other two wagons and take care of them and the horses. The wagons were loaded with household goods, furniture, farm machinery etc. (13).
Ransom ran a livery stable for some years in Corinne. He was a lover of fine horses and enjoyed working with them from 1908 to 1912. In 1912 we decided to move to Arizona. We had an auction sale and sold all our property. We then moved to Arizona but after about one year we moved back to Corinne (12)
At the age of 65 years Ransom decided to quit smoking. He put down his tobacco and never again picked it up. When he became nervous and desired tobacco he would take out his pocket knife and start to whittle. My he whittled me some fine wooden paddles for me to use in stirring the big pans of fruit that I canned. These paddles had sturdy handles about fourteen inches long, with the paddle on the end gradually enlarged to three inches wide, and flat across the bottom. They were nicely smoothed and most useful (13)
There was no LDS Church near or in Corinne. I was glad when the LDS Church came and enjoyed being a member of the first Relief Society in Corinne (see Corinne Ward). I was a block teacher for many years. I worked hard all of my life and tried to do good wherever I could. In the summer of 1927 I became very ill and my life was spared. I guess my mission was not yet fulfilled as I recovered in time enough to get around once more. I was never right well after this. For ten more years I lived to enjoy my family. Quite a few of them lived fairly close around me.
Emily Cope Smith Cutler died 13 June 1937 at her home in Corinne. She was buried 16 June 1937 in Brigham City Cemetery, Brigham City, Box Elder County, Utah. She was 82 years 4 months old.
A tribute was given at her funeral. She was always a loving mother and wife devoting her whole life to the comfort and welfare of her family. She was always a hard worker and doing much good wherever she went. She has earned a great reward for the greatest mission on earth that of motherhood. She has gained eternal rest in the mansions of our Father (7)